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Address Signposts Help Others Find Us

Thanks go to everyone who installed one of 164 street address signposts to help emergency personnel, friends, service providers, and others find your home! These reflective, 2-sided signs are helping Mirrormont be safer and less confusing for us all. Thanks also go to Eastside Fire & Rescue volunteers led by Russ Gawler for “planting” 33 signposts.

We used the entire $1000 grant that was generously awarded to us by King County Community Service Areas Grant Program as part of our Firewise Program. Since then, 15 more residents bought signposts for a total of 179 in Mirrormont. If you missed this program and want to obtain a signpost, call 360-398-7448 or email Their website is

Signpost installed by EF&R volunteer Russ Gawler and his son.


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